I was pleased to attend the Clarkston Charrette in September and see what the residents of Clarkston thought about their future. It is great to see East Renfrewshire Council investing in the future of Clarkston and as such I have tabled a motion in the Scottish Parliament to formally recognise this investment.
Motion Number: S5M-02857
Lodged By: Jackson Carlaw
Date Lodged: 29/11/2016
Title: A Vision for Clarkston Town Centre
Motion Text:
That the Parliament welcomes confirmation that East Renfrewshire Council is progressing a final action plan for Clarkston town centre; notes that this follows a series of charrettes as part of the initiative, Clarkston: Your Town; welcomes that suggestions were put forward by Eastwood residents, businesses and community groups; acknowledges that one of the options under consideration is to trial a new street layout on Busby Road in 2017, with the proposed layout being assessed on an ongoing basis prior to any permanent changes being implemented; understands that consideration is also being given to improving the accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists to allow easier access into Clarkston, and hopes that these proposals will ensure that Clarkston becomes an even better town to live in.