I was delighted to attend the 28th Giffnock Scouts annual Jumble sale last Saturday. I was impressed at how well organised it was and the amount of fun that the scouts were having. I have tabled the following motion is support of the scouts.
That the Parliament applauds the successful jumble sale fundraiser of 28th Giffnock Scouts on 1 October 2016; notes that they have held a jumble sale every year since at least 1965 as their main fundraising event; welcomes that this year they raised over £7,000 to continue their good work; acknowledges that unsold items were generously donated to Shelter and Cosgrove Care; understands that the money will be used to refurbish parts of the Scout hall and to purchase new camping and activities equipment; considers that this will go some way in pursuing the aim of the Scout Association, which is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities, and wishes the 28th Giffnock Scouts an enjoyable time ahead of the Christmas break.