I have tabled the following parliamentary motion congratulating Greenhouse Cafe on their launch and wishing them every success.
That the Parliament notes the opening of the Greenhouse Café in the Eastwood Health and Care Centre in Clarkston; understands that, in partnering with East Renfrewshire Council and the Greenhouse Community CIC, a community interest company, Scotland’s first employability work programme for adults with learning difficulties has been created; welcomes the programme, which provides a full spectrum of training for people with learning difficulties, from employment coaching to building on-the-job skills; acknowledges that the café is in the process of being accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority to ensure that it will be able to provide Scottish Vocational Qualifications, further building its trainees’ skillset; thanks Steven Jacobs of the Greenhouse Community CIC for his commitment to empowering those who may otherwise lack the skills or self-confidence to engage with the workforce, and hopes to see this partnership continue to deliver for people in Eastwood with learning difficulties and the wider community.