On Saturday 3rd September 2016 I visited the Classic Car Show, organised by Giffnock Village. I enjoyed reminiscing about the cars I used to drive and sell and was most impressed by the scale and scope of the cars on show.
I enjoyed chatted with various constituents including the Giffnock Community Council, who are in the process of surveying local people, to discover their views on important local issues. I am proud to support them in their efforts.
I also had the pleasure of chatting to members of the local Institute of Advanced Motorists who offer courses in advanced motoring. They are having two free introductory sessions on Wednesday 21st September and Wednesday the 5th October in Thorntree Hall, Thornliebank from 19:30 until 21:30. I encourage as many people as possible to attend.
Many thanks go to the organisers of the event. An event on this scale with such success is most definetely the result of efficient organisation and meticulous planning, and my congratulations go out to those individuals who made it happen.