Eastwood MSP, Jackson Carlaw has expressed frustration after it was discovered that his constituency is in the minority of first past the post parliamentary seats within West Scotland where there is no award of finance from a Scottish Government school building scheme.
Analysis of all projects approved through the Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) shows that funding has been awarded for new build education infrastructure within the boundaries of most West Scotland constituencies following successful local authority bids for funds.
LEIP is a school building financial initiative to support the development of new, modern, state of the art facilities.
Financial support has been awarded for education construction projects in the West Scotland constituencies of Clydebank and Milngavie, Cunninghame North, Cunninghame South, Renfrewshire North and West, Renfrewshire South and Strathkelvin and Bearsden.
East Renfrewshire Council submitted a funding bid for the development of a new school to replace Carolside Primary in Clarkston, as part of the LEIP’s third phase.
The Scottish Government confirmed in the final months of 2023 that it had not accepted the application submitted by the local authority for financial support to replace Carolside and Mr Carlaw contacted the Education Secretary to express concern at this decision.
East Renfrewshire Council previously had a successful bid for funds to support the development of the Neilston Learning Campus in LEIP phase 1.
As part of the existing Scottish Parliament constituency arrangements, Neilston is part of the Renfrewshire South seat and not Eastwood.
Scottish Conservative MSP for Eastwood, Jackson Carlaw said:
“It is hugely frustrating that the council’s submission for funds to replace Carolside Primary was refused and I have expressed my dismay about this decision to the Education Secretary.
“The rejection of the bid is even more concerning now it has been established that there are LEIP projects in the majority of West Scotland constituencies and with Eastwood in the minority where there is no funding through this scheme to support a school building initiative.
“Carolside is officially rated as poor on both condition and suitability in the Scottish Government’s own school estate statistics publication.
“This review highlights the sub-optimal state of the existing Carolside Primary and the vital need for a replacement.
“The Scottish Government’s decision to refuse the council’s submission is doubly disappointing when considering that there is no LEIP supported school project in Eastwood and a funding bid for Carolside was put on the table.”