Jackson Carlaw MSP has welcomed the statement by The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeanne Freeman MSP, that Health Boards will be instructed to "stop all transvaginal mesh procedures until new protocols are developed and implemented".
The new protocol does not cover transabdominal Mesh operations, which was listed as an underlying cause of death for Eileen Baxter.
The Eastwood MSP has a longstanding commitment to this issue, having had constituents whose lives have been fundamentally altered for the worse by the failure of Mesh products and during his time on the Scottish Parliament's Petitions Committee when the Scottish Mesh Survivors brought forward a petition to ban Mesh in 2014.
Speaking in the parliamentary debate, Jackson Carlaw MSP said:
"As one of those who has been associated with the issue for a long time, I will want to reflect and consider with care the statement that she has just given.
"It seems to me, and I hope to many others, to be a decisive step on a pathway to a different approach to the whole question of mesh.
"I hope that Elaine Holmes, Olive McIlroy and all the women who I hope are watching this afternoon can at least give one qualified cheer for the progress that it represents while recognising and paying tribute to Eileen Baxter and Michele McDougall, the women who have died—one directly and the other indirectly—as a result of this medical process.
"It is an unhappy coincidence that the process has been available since 2007, but I consider that a Government of any stripe would have embraced it.
"It is only in recent times that many have felt that, in the face of evidence, we have not been pursuing the path that is clear and singularly appropriate."